Lathrop GPM Environmental Partner and member of our PFAS team, Rick Kubler, was recently selected to serve on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Remediation program’s per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Stakeholder Advisory Group.
In conjunction with the MPCA Remediation program, the stakeholder advisory group provide input and comments to the MPCA as it develops guidance for investigating and addressing PFAS contamination at remediation sites. The purpose of the PFAS guidance, which is anticipated to launch in the summer of 2023, will be to develop best management practices and outline the decision-making process for PFAS screening, sampling and analysis using an evidence-based approach for remediation sites.
The MPCA PFAS Stakeholder Advisory Group will benefit from Rick’s experience and background in this area. Rick served in a similar capacity since 2017 as a member of the MPCA’s Vapor Intrusion Stakeholder Group.